- Does item fit the criteria that it can be shipped UPS or FedEx Ground? The factors that determine this are a combination of weight and dimensions
- If it is UPS/FedEx'able is that more economical that using a trucker. Typically UPS/FedEx will be the least expensive for small orders. Larger orders will do better by truck. Small orders typically are charged a minimum charge.
- If it has to be shipped by UPS/FedEx there is typically a chart provided by the warehouse that specifies the cost. The cost is dependent on where the item is warehoused and to where is has to be shipped. Some items are warehoused in more than one location so we must see which site will provide our customer with the best rate.
- In the event that the item is to be delivered by truck there are several factors that will determine the cost:
- The weight
- The shipping class which is function of the density of the item. For example a stack chair usually is a class 130 which means that it is not compact. Folding tables are compact thus they are usually class 70
- The distance that it must be shipped
- Is this a residential or commercial address. Residential addresses incur large surcharges
Please feel free to email, call us at 732-961-7411 or fax in to 732-719-9744 to request a freight quote.